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Executive For Hire

Heads up!

The Pitch Package


The Polish Package

Smile and feel the writing power!

 Full Development Package

The New Screenwriter will collaborate with you (and/or your production company) on building the proper PITCH PACKAGE necessary to entice agents, managers, producers, & financiers into buying or optioning your material. From a STORY SYNOPSIS to LOGLINES and/or LOOK BOOKS, we can help craft the necessary solicitation materials to industry specifications.  


1) A ZOOM SESSION - is conducted to help assist you in developing the proper tone and content for your materials.  

2) DEVELOP PITCH DECK/LOOK BOOK - is best left in the hands of seasoned professionals, who can assemble a properly executed pitch deck, one page synopsis, and help develop up to three logline suggestions for your project. 

3) UNLIMITED EMAIL ACCESS - to Steve, for queries, questions, and concerns as your career progresses.

** NOTE TO THE WISE: it is the advice of The New Screenwriter that after a pitch meeting, you should NEVER leave work behind until an option and/or shopping agreement is in place.

Do you need everything, everywhere all at once? The New Screenwriter will do a polish of your screenplay (no meat added). DEVELOPMENT NOTES on where your story might best be improved, and assist in developing your LOOK BOOK & ONE PAGE SYNOPSIS.


1) A  ZOOM SESSION - designed to analyze your screenplay and discuss your Look Book and Synopsis.   

2) PROFESSIONAL SCRIPT POLISH & DEVELOPMENT NOTES - will focus on polishing structure, transitions, formatting, and dialogue, in addition to a deeper analysis on where improvement could be made within the narrative itself. 

3) LOOK BOOK, ONE PAGE SYNOPSIS & LOGLINE - The essential companions in a pitch when you've finished that script. 

4) UNLIMITED EMAIL ACCESS - with Steve,  for queries, questions and concerns along the way. 

Maybe it's a memoir or book adaptation that you’ve optioned, or perhaps it’s a stage play you’ve acquired the rights to, or maybe it’s just an old script idea you never found time to write… The New Screenwriter will collaborate with you on bringing your package to life.​

The New Screenwriter will provide the full development experience, from BIG BEATS to completed SCRIPT, including a fully developed LOOK BOOK, ONE PAGE SYNOPSIS and three LOGLINE options.


1) DEVELOPMENT ZOOM SESSION - is held to establish the direction of the project.

2) EXTENDED OUTLINE - will be developed for the project, which upon meeting your approval, will expand into a full treatment.

3) FIRST PASS OF SCRIPT - will be extracted directly from approved outline/treatment, with the option for a single redraft based on your suggestions.

4) A ONE PAGE SYNOPSIS & LOG LINE - will be provided with the first draft of the script, with the option for a single redraft based on your suggestions.

5) POLISHED LOOK BOOK - will be presented, with the option for a single redraft based on your suggestions.

6) UNLIMITED EMAIL ACCESS - to Steve, for queries, questions, and concerns as to how to advance your story past the script stage.




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