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Bricks and Mortar


Coffee cures all!

Just Spit It Out

In this phase, your story treatment will become scripted.  As you knock out that FIRST DRAFT you will be guided in developing the kind of trade essentials designed to help your script stand out.




1) 45 MINUTE ZOOM SESSION - will be conducted at the beginning of your first draft push, to address concerns and set you on the right path. 


2) SCRIPT DEVELOPMENT NOTES - will follow your first completed pass of the script. This professional grade coverage will include in-depth analysis on the plot, structure, character development and advise you on next steps required for rewriting. 


3) UNLIMITED EMAIL ACCESS - to Steve, for queries, questions, and concerns as your career progresses.



Don't think! Write!

The Sculpting

Have you completed that first draft? The New Screenwriter is there to mentor you on the real work ahead, with professional grade DEVELOPMENT NOTES that will help you better understand what is and isn’t working in your screenplay.  Don’t let writers block prevent you from succeeding. We are here to fine tune your work with you and help keep you on track.




1) 2 x 45 MINUTE ZOOM SESSIONS - one conducted at end of your first pass, and once again at the end of your second pass.


2) ROUND TWO OF SCRIPT DEVELOPMENT NOTES - focuses on structure, dialogue, transitions between scenes, formatting and the all-important third act. 


3) UNLIMITED EMAIL ACCESS - to Steve, for queries, questions, and concerns as your career progresses.


Relax! TNS is here!

Varnishing the Clay

Now with script in hand, we'll continue with a scene-by-scene dialogue polish, while also examining what is and isn’t effective in your use of transitions.  We'll also look at generating a 'live reading' with actors, in order to pare down description to the bare bones and get you one step closer to that polished screenplay.


Let The New Screenwriter assisting you in preparing your work for that big sendoff to agents, managers, producers, or competitions.




1) A 45 MINUTE ZOOM SESSION - on where you see yourself and your work. We'll develop strategies based around resources that The New Screenwriter can provide to help advance your career.


2) FINAL ROUND OF SCRIPT & STORY DEVELOPMENT NOTES - will review spelling, formatting, and grammar details through an editorial eye.


3) UNLIMITED EMAIL ACCESS to Steve, for queries, questions, and concerns as your career progresses.


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